Posted by: cancervisa | October 25, 2007

Post-Traumatic Stress breast cancer survivor

In my former life, before breast cancer,  I worked as a researcher for the military. Miliary missions have a debriefing. I think Cancer patients need a debriefing after their tramatic experience. Post traumatic stress disorder may be rearing it’s ugly head. Call up your shrink if any of the following sounds familiar… a paragraph from my journal.

{I know that it is more than a year ago when this whole ordeal started. I really was not ready to be reminded by having to have a check up. I’ve been feeling a bit uncertian.  Yes, yes, I keep checking my breasts.  But by know I am more than paranoid that the cancer has “migrated” to somewhere else in my system like organs or my bones, and that checking my breast is useless. Should I ask my Doc for x-rays head to toe for peace of mind?

I am bruising very easily. I remember my Grandfather who had a rare blood disorder was like that too after his blood infusions. I have been assured by the Doc that there are “no signs”of re-occurance– to some this means CURED!  I tell everyone I have a clean bill of health. Deep down is doubt. Every twing, every ache, every crack and cramp. It takes less than a nano-second to think my fatal disease is back. Sounds dramtic, but a harsh reality set in when you realized that all your days are numbered…} June 25th 2002

“We all have expiration dates, I just hope I’m not the same expiration date as milk”! cancer vixen


  1. Great post, love the information…

  2. After 4 years, PTS is an everyday reality. You do learn to live with it and know, YOU WILL LIVE. Never doubt that. I’m the 1st generation of 3 that’s survived. My niece is going through it now. We carry 2 genes. I was the only girl in our family, my brothers have produced 7 girls. My fear is for them. When my niece was diagnosed, I wanted to die. But we need to live to prove that we will survive. We need to fight. You’ll be fine, the PTS is something that you can handle. Good Life, With my love.

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