Posted by: cancervisa | February 1, 2009

military structure of the hosptial

Few minutes before 9am and like all hospitals I FEEL like I have been put into military
service. The structure is probably good, but very hard for me to get adjusted to. The last few weeks
I have been taking a nap in the morning so that I am fresh for my liitle girl at 12 noon. But this is
not the case any more, she is on her own schedule today. Her gym class awaits her and a bit
of fun after class at the bakery is become part of her standard routine. I on the other hand
have to get use to my own routine.
Jingling coffee cups on a tray go past my new butler/cook and house kept room. Sounds of
machines beeping when done with blood pressure controls. Even the idol chat of others in the
My shower awaits me, and further is unknown. Will I get the MRI that was promised? The nurse
says it is faxed. Faxed? is that method a bit out of date? Why is that computer not integrated?
Makes me a bit un easy.

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